← Binäre Bäume | ● | Baumcharakteristik →
C-Struktur fĂĽr einen Baumknoten:
struct node { /* node of binary tree */
T item; /* chained items of type T */
struct node *left, *right; /* pointer to left and right child */
typedef struct node
node_type, /* type of node */
*node_ptr; /* type of pointer to node */
node_ptr root=NULL; /* global root node */
T item; /* chained items of type T */
struct node *left, *right; /* pointer to left and right child */
typedef struct node
node_type, /* type of node */
*node_ptr; /* type of pointer to node */
node_ptr root=NULL; /* global root node */
← Binäre Bäume | ● | Baumcharakteristik →