Nearest Neighbor Search
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Given: A set of n given items at specific points in 3D space.
Wanted: The item with the smallest geometric distance to a particular point (nearest neigbor)!
Assumed: n points inserted in a kd-tree.
Solution: As given by the following pseudocode for a recursive kd-tree search of the nearest neighbor, meaning that
- we are looking for the nearest node
- with respect to a specific
- recursively searching depth-first from the starting root
node_pointer search(Vector3D point, node_pointer node)
result = null
if (node != null)
result = node
result2 = search in the half space that contains the search center
if (result2 != null)
if result2 is closer than result
result = result2
if (minimum distance of point to other half space is not farther away than result)
result2 = search in the other half space
if (result2 != null)
if result2 is closer than result
result = result2
Hint: the minimum distance $d$ of a point $\vec{p}$ to a half space defined by a implicit plane equation $\vec{n}\cdot(\vec{x}-\vec{o})=0$, where the plane normal $\vec{n}$ points into the half space, is