

To install this wiki you need the following:

  • web server running PHP
  • the wiki archive (please contact the author, if you do not have it yet)
  • a FTP program (or WebDAV)

With the ftp program you need to unzip and upload the contents of the archive to the web server.

Now you should be able to see the wiki’s intro page at the url address of your web server.

Q After uploading the archive, I do not see the wiki in the browser, instead PHP reports an error about not being able to acquire a lock file.

In most cases, the reason for this is insufficient permissions to modify the wiki.d folder so that PHP is not able to create a lock file in this folder. Use your FTP program to change the permissions of the wiki.d folder to rwx for all users and remove the lock file .flock. The lock file is a hidden file so it may not show up in the file list. Try to remove it, anyways.

Intro | | Changing the Password
