3D Texture Data
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If a 3D texture object has been bound, the data of the texture is uploaded as follows:
glTexImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_3D, // 3D texture
0, // level 0 (for mipmapping)
GL_LUMINANCE, // pixel format of texture
width,height,depth, // texture size
0, // border size 0
GL_LUMINANCE, // pixel format of data supplied
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, // pixel storage type of data supplied
volume); // pointer to data chunk
glTexImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_3D, // 3D texture
0, // level 0 (for mipmapping)
GL_LUMINANCE, // pixel format of texture
width,height,depth, // texture size
0, // border size 0
GL_LUMINANCE, // pixel format of data supplied
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, // pixel storage type of data supplied
volume); // pointer to data chunk
pixel format | components |
GL_RGB | 3 |
GL_RGBA | 4 |
GL_ALPHA | 1 |
The size of a 3D texture is recommended to be a power of 2!
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