Attenuation of X-Ray Radiation
← Attenuation Coefficient | ● | Example Coefficients →
Attenuation of the radiation intensity $I$ of monochromatic (mono-energetic) rays while travelling through a homogeneous material with thickness d and attenuation coefficient $\mu$:
$ I(d) = I_0 \cdot e^{−\mu \cdot d} $
with $ e^{−\mu \cdot d} $ being the attenuation factor
What is the thickness of a material that absorbs exactly half of the rays intensity?
$ I/I_0 = e^{−\mu \cdot d} = 0.5 $
$ D_\frac12 = \frac{ln 2}{\mu} $
$ ln 2 \approx 0.7 $