Axis Aligned Cross Section
← Clip Plane Example | ● | Cross Section Example →
Problem: Visualization of image stack requires interactive change of the orientation and/or position of a cross section.
Usage example:
- Two axis aligned planes that are orthogonal to each other.
- Volume function f(x,y,z) defined as 3D luminance texture in unit cube.
- Cross section represented as axis-aligned plane through the volume.
- Intersection of plane with with unit cube is a quadrilateral.
- Graphics hardware rasterizes quadrilateral with data from the 3D texture.
- Graphics hardware interpolates tri-linearily.
- intuitive orthogonal positioning
- intersection point of planes can be moved easily with the mouse
- volumes resides in a single 3D Texture, not in multiple images
- no arbitrary orientation of the cut planes
- arbitrarily oriented planes result in a polygon with 3 to 6 points
Side note: The world is not a disc, stupid, it’s a unit cube!
← Clip Plane Example | ● | Cross Section Example →