← Requirements | ● | Testing →
We need the following software packages (for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS):
- Do not download the full Android Studio package from the Google developer site. Download the SDK Tools Only for Linux.
- e.g. android-sdk_r24.4.1-linux.tgz
- Get the 64-bit version of the NDK.
- e.g. android-ndk-r12b-linux-x86_64.zip
- Qt
- Get Qt 5.x
- e.g. Qt 5.7.1 / Android for 64-bit Linux:
Put all of the above packages into a new folder:
- Uncompress the SDK tgz.
- Start the SDK updater “tools/android” and choose to install the default packages.
- Caution: Downloading will unpack to 20+ GB!
- Get yourself a coffee. And another one…
- Unzip the NDK package
- Caution: Will unpack to 2+ GB!
- Run the Qt installer
- On the terminal type:
chmod +x qt*.run; sudo ./qt*.run
- This installs the Qt IDE to /opt/Qt-5.x
- On the terminal type:
- Install related tools:
- sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk ant lib32z1 lib64z1 subversion
Now we are principally ready for Qt Creator, but we first perform a couple of tests.
- as of March 2017, the SDK tools are no longer provided.
- ** latest tools only version appears to be r25.2.5
- More recent versions are installed is via Android Studio, but older versions of the SDK tools are still available via cmd line:
- wget http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r24.4.1-linux.tgz
- start “tools/android”
- do not select to upgrade the installer, just install the Android SDK build tools, the Android SDK platform tools and Android 7.0 (API 24)
- older NDK versions like r12b that match the older SDK are also still available here.
← Requirements | ● | Testing →