More Commands
- cd ..: one directory level up
- mkdir <dir>: make new empty directory
- less <file>: list file contents (if displayable text)
- cp <src> <dst>: copy src to dst
- mv <src> <dst>: move src to dst
- rm <file>: remove files
- In a path, the asterix * corresponds to an arbitrary character sequence
- The question mark ? corresponds to an arbitrary single character
You can use wildcards to refer to multiple files at once:
- less *: shows all files in the current directory
- rm *: delete all files in the current directory (Caution!)
Other useful commands:
- gzip zip tar find grep ping ftp ssh scp ps top kill du df
When in doubt about the meaning of a particular Unix command, you will find its documentation in the Man-Pages:
- man <command>
Try it out, it is easy:
- man ls
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