

Shell variables may contain arbitrary strings, such as paths, file names, options and the like. Shell variables start with a dollar sign. Usage in the tcsh shell is as follows:

  • set <name≥<string>: set the content of a script variable <name> to <string>
  • $<name>: refers to content of variable <name>

A list of currently used shell variables can be printed with the command set without arguments (or setenv for all environment variables). For example, $$$cwd is a shell variable which contains the path of the user’s current working directory.

The following is specific for the tcsh:

Shell variables offer various kinds of text substitutions:

  • $name:s/a/b/: substitute occurrences of “a” with “b” in variable <name>
  • $name:r: remove file extension from file name contained in variable <name>

A common usage example of variable substitution is batch file renaming via the foreach loop of the tcsh:

foreach name (*.foo)
   mv $name $

For a detailed explanation of the foreach command see the tcsh man page.

The following is specific for the bash:

The syntax for variables with the bash shell is the following:

  • <name≥<string>: set the content of a script variable <name> to <string>
  • ${name/a/b/}: substitute occurrences of “a” with “b” in variable <name>

Batch file processing example for the bash shell:

for i in *.foo;
   mv $i ${i/.foo/.bar}

Aliases | | Scripts
