VPN / Global Protect HowTo
How to install and use the Global Protect VPN Client on Ubuntu:
This tutorial summarizes the installation of the Global Protect VPN Client on Ubuntu 16.04+ for use at the TH Nuremberg and represents information as of 28.9.2019.
Disclaimer: This tutorial is provided for your convenience only. It has been written thoroughly, but as always there is no guarantee that it will work out-of-the-box for different installations. In such a case please contact the RZ help desk.
1) Uninstall other VPN Client software
sudo /usr/local/Aventail/uninstall.sh
(mileage may vary on different installations)
2) Download Global Protect VPN Client
3) Unpack
tar xvf PanGPLinux.tgz --one-top-level=tmp
cd tmp
4) List contained files
dpkg-deb -c ./GlobalProtect_deb-*.deb
5) Install contained files
sudo dpkg -i ./GlobalProtect_deb-*.deb
How to uninstall the Global Protect VPN Client on Ubuntu:
sudo apt remove globalprotect
How to use the Global Protect VPN Client on Ubuntu:
1) Start VPN Client utility
2) Open VPN connection to vpn.ohmportal.de
connect -portal vpn.ohmportal.de
3) Authenticate
Setting up the connection took almost an entire minute until successful establishment.
4) Browse VPN, e.g. Ohm internal pages
5) Close VPN connection
6) Leave VPN Client utility
7) For convenience, there is also a one-liner to start the client:
globalprotect connect -portal vpn.ohmportal.de
8) More information on the man pages:
man globalprotect
Summary of helpful commands:
globalprotect help
globalprotect connect -portal vpn.ohmportal.de
globalprotect show --status
globalprotect show --details
globalprotect show --statistics
globalprotect show --host-state
globalprotect disconnect
man globalprotect
alias vpn_on='globalprotect connect -portal vpn.ohmportal.de' alias vpn_off='globalprotect disconnect'
Other VPN Client software:
- OpenConnect for Ubuntu 19.04+
sudo apt install openconnect network-manager-openconnect network-manager-openconnect-gnome
sudo openconnect -protocol=gp vpn.ohmportal.de
- Aventail Sonic Wall / Dell Connect Tunnel
Other Linux Distributions:
On Linux Mint and OpenSuse it is recommended to use OpenConnect v8.0+ instead of Global Protect. For other Linux distributions no further information is currently available.
Other useful information:
To connect with eduroam on Ubuntu, the following information is required:
- security: WPA/WPA2
- authentication: PEAP
- anonymous user: anonymous
- certificate: empty or /usr/share/ca-certificates/T-TeleSec_GlobalRoot_Class_2.crt
- inner authentication: MSCHAPv2
- user name: e.g. roettgerst@th-nuernberg.de
- password: …
Update as of 16.6.2022:
- The current version of OpenConnect on current Linux/Ubuntu distros now support GlobalProtect as a VPN client.
Update as of 8.2.2024:
- The latest GlobalProtect_deb-–711.deb does not work any longer with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
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- Here is the latest working package GlobalProtect_deb-