Dicom Framework
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The Dicom frame work (dicombase.h) loads a volume specified by a series of dicom files.
- Check out the dicom data directory from svn:
svn co svn://schorsch.efi.fh-nuernberg.de/dicom-data data
- Load a series of DICOM images from the dicom data directory via wildcard path specification:
unsigned char *readDICOMvolume(const char *filename,
long long *width,long long *height,long long *depth);
long long *width,long long *height,long long *depth);
- This returns a pointer to LSB 16-bit volume data, that is loaded from a series of dicom images determined by a wildcard path:
- Example wildcard paths to load DICOM example data:
- “data/MR-Kiwi/0*”
- “data/MR-Artichoke/0*”
- “data/CT-Cardiac/*.dcm”
- Note that the 16-bit data needs to be normalized from scalar range [0,max] to [0,65535]. Otherwise the volume intensities will appear very dark, if the volume is only containing information in the lowest 12 bits.
- The quantized data volume data can be uploaded to the graphics hardware via glTexImage3D(…) with format GL_LUMINANCE and type GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT.
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