
Qt Installation

Installation of Qt4

On Linux, it is mostly sufficient to install a recent Qt binary package using the Ubuntu software manager, for example. The list of available Ubuntu packages is available online.

On the command line installation is even simpler:


sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools


sudo zypper install libqt4-devel

You can search for all available packages of Qt with

Ubuntu/Debian: apt-cache search qt
OpenSuse: zypper search qt

On MacOS X and Windows, it is recommended to build and install Qt from source!

Installation of Qt4 from Source

If we do not have access to a Qt binary package (for example on a Mac) we need to install from source as follows. This can take a while so installation from a binary package is preferred.

Grab the source tar ball from:


Create a working directory for your software projects (e.g. ~/qt-projects) and put the Qt source tar ball (.tar.gz. .tgz) there.

Then use the Terminal (unix shell) to navigate (change directory) to the working directory:

cd ~/qt-projects

Extract the Qt source tarball:

tar zxvf qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.4.tar.gz

Navigate into the extracted source

cd qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.4

Then type on the unix console:

./configure -opensource && make

After the build process has finished (go get yourself a cup of coffee) you need to install the compiled binaries and libraries on the Unix system via the following unix command:

sudo make install

You will be asked to enter your root password for installation of Qt. The binaries will usually be installed in /usr/local/Trolltech/… or /usr/local/Qt… depending on your system configuration.
