Volume Slicing
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Calculation of the intersection point of a plane with a line segment:
The line segment is given by the two end points $P_0$ and $P_1$. The plane is given by the pivot point $O$ and the normal $n$. The normal is said to have unit length.
$d_0 = n\cdot(P_0-O)$
$d_1 = n\cdot(P_1-O)$
$d_0>0$ und $d_1<0$ oder $d_0<0$ und $d_1>0$:
$w = \frac{d_0}{d_0-d_1}$
For $w\in[0,1]$ the interpoled intersection point is on the line segment
$P_{01} = (1-w)P_0 + wP_1$
else the point is outside.