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Common clinical use of MRT: Angiography
- Infusion of contrast agent in the blood stream.
- until 2018: Gadolinium
- nephrogene systemic fibrosis
- since 2018: development of new contrast agents that do not cause that illness
- Bolus = the part of the blood circulation, into which contrast agent has been induced.
- Bolus starts moving through arteries into heart and lungs, the kidneys and extremities, then back through veins.
- One circulation takes about 2–3min.
- Contrast agent concentration is leveled out after a couple of circulations.
- Delayed segregation through kidneys after about ca. 30min.
Time lapse of the contrast agent concentration for a fixed point at a arteries during the first cycle of the bolus:
Derived quantities from the time line of the contrast agent concentration:
- MIPt = MIP over time
- TTP = Time to Peak
- WI = Wash in
- WO = Wash out
Reduction from 4D to 3D, also called parameter map (Parameterkarte).