VIS Framework
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The VIS Framework contains everything to start writing your own C++ medical visualization code. The frame work is based on Qt as graphical interface. Get it with Subversion as follows:
svn checkout vis-framework
To use the above framework, the following dependencies need to be installed on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (which is the recommmended platform):
sudo apt-get install c++ cmake cmake-curses-gui subversion libqt4-dev freeglut3-dev
To enable DCTMK support in the VIS framework, we first need to download DCMTK from and compile as follows unless we haven’t already done so:
cmake -DDCMTK_WITH_ICU=OFF -DDCMTK_WITH_ICONV=OFF . && make && sudo make install
After that, we compile the vis-framework by typing the following one-liner:
cmake -DBUILD_WITH_DCMTK=1 . && make
Now we can either stick with the command line to work with the frame work or use an integrated development environment (IDE) such as QtCreator or KDevelop:
- In QtCreator open the file.
- In KDevelop open the CMakeLists.txt file.
For ease of development, the Qt class library documentation is either available online or available via the QtAssistant app. For the latter, just type:
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