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Multi-Platform Competitors:
- wxWidgets
- not as clean
- not as well documented
- not nearly as bug-free
- GTK+
- base of the Gnome Linux Desktop
- no support for windows
Single-Platform Competitors:
- Cocoa (MacOS X)
- Objective C is odd
- Clean and powerful functionality (AppleScript XCode AppleGL)
- Direct access to MacOS X functionality (iTunes streaming etc.)
- Only on Mac and very special
- Almost no standards
- some free and open development tools like XCode
Windows Competitors
- mfc
- outdated
- wpf
- deprecated
- .net
- C#
- interpreted code
- attributes via getters/setters
- garbage collection
- managed/unmanaged code interface problems
- vast number of convenience classes
- direct access to Microsoft products like DirectX Excel Word etc.
- extremely proprietray
- source not available
- no standards
- alternative: Mono
- C#
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