KDE 4 Drop Icon

KDE4 Integration | | KDE4 Examples

Dragging files onto a widget is platform independent.

Dragging a file onto a desktop icon is platform dependent. We exercise it for KDE4.

First we place the DropPNG application into a panel, since only panel apps can be dropped onto.

When dropping a file from the File Manager view onto a panel icon, the dropped files are passed to the opening program as standard command line arguments. So they end up to be parameters to int main(int argc, char *argv[]).

For that to work the Exec line of the .desktop file needs to contain

  • %f as a place holder for an file name
  • %F for a list of file names
  • %u as a place holder for an url
  • %U for a list of urls

To process one argument in the background thread, we add a process method

void MyQConverterWidget::process(QString file)
   if (file.startsWith("file://"))
      file = file.remove("file://");

   MyConverterJob *job = new MyConverterJob(file.toStdString());


and pass all arguments from the command line to it:

QStringList args = QCoreApplication::arguments();
for (int i=1; i<args.size(); i++)

KDE4 Integration | | KDE4 Examples
