Practised Platform

Why Qt | | Qt Installation

In the following we are restricting ourselves to to Unix platform to exercise the Qt lessons. Since Qt is a platform independent UI the qt exmaples will work on other platforms like Windows and Mac as well, although they might look a bit different. But we are not giving advice and support for the development environment those platforms support.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to use Ubuntu (Debian) as development platform. Other Unix flavors like OpenSuse or MINT will work, too.

You can install Ubuntu on your system by downloading the iso-image installer from ubuntu.com and burning the iso-image to cd/dvd. Then boot from this install image. Then follow the instructions of the installer. Installation is reliable and straight forward and usually requires only a few clicks if you go with the standard installation options.

It is assumed that you are familiar with object-oriented programming using C++. If not, please read the C/C++ programming lecture.

To get used to the Unix development platform it is recommended to start reading the following HowTos:

Why Qt | | Qt Installation
