Qt Mobile
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Qt is on the verge of being ported to most mobile platforms via an abstraction layer called Lighthouse.
Working (and maybe still experimental ports) are available for
- Android
- Blackberry
- Symbian
It seams that there will be no short-term support for
- iOS
- WinRT
since the licensing conditions do not allow the execution of code from RAM, which is necessary for the V8 Javascript JIT compiler as the backend of the Lighthouse project. Recent news indicate that there is work an a JS interpreter v4vm, which does not have those restrictions, but will have reduced performance compared to V8.
The current state for Android is that Qt 5.0 has support for Android for native Qt widget classes and QML, although it is recommended to wait for Qt 5.2 for commercial applications.
The Qt support is brought to Android via a community port of Qt named Necessitas.
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