Signal and Slot Example

Signals and Slots | | MOC


  • Method of class A emits signal.
  • A method of another class B is registered as a receiver for the particular signal.
  • The latter method is said to be a slot that is connected to the signal emitter.
  • Then triggering the signal in class A causes the receiver to invoke the corresponding slot in class B.

Setting up a signal/slot connection:

Step 1: Creating a signal emitter

class A : public QObject


   void method()
      emit signal();


   void signal();


Step 2: Creating a receiver slot

class B : public QObject
public slots:

   void slot();


Step 3: Connecting the signal emitter with the signal receiver

A *a = new A;
B *b = new B;

connect(a, SIGNAL(signal()), b, SLOT(slot()));

Signals and Slots | | MOC
