Exercise 3
← Exercise 2 | ● | Exercise 4 →
Volume Processing with ITK
Exercise (3a)
- Check out the dicom data directory from svn:
svn co svn:// data
- Use the angio data from the dicom-data/Angio directory.
- Get an overview of the data by dragging the dicom files into the QtV3 volume renderer.
- Change the TF to show the vessels.
- Now extract an iso surface to show the vessels.
Exercise (3b)
- Get started with ITK as outlined here.
- Threshold the data set with ITK.
- Use the multi-frame version of the above data set: Angio.dcm.
- Connect a Dicom reader to a threshold filter
- Output the scalar value of the center voxel.
- Run a test for a threshold of 50 resp. 100.
The next exercise builds on this one.
← Exercise 2 | ● | Exercise 4 →