Exercise 4
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Volume Visualization with VTK
This exercise builds on the previous one and gives an outlook on how to build a complete itk and vtk processing pipeline as an example of a typical visualization cycle.
Exercise (4a)
- Construct a ITK pipeline as described in NoiseReductionWithITK and place an arbitrary 3D VTK volume visualization module of your choice (e.g. a vtkVolumeRayCastMapper) at the end of the ITK pipeline.
- Feed the pipeline with the Angio.dcm multi-frame data set.
- Note: There are two possibilities to use ITK with VTK
- 1) Start with an ITK example and configure CMAKE with Module_ITKVtkGlue = On
- Need to rebuild ITK after VTK installation to see the above module option in cmake.
- 2) Start with a VTK example and configure VTK with the cmake option ITK_DIR = …
- 1) Start with an ITK example and configure CMAKE with Module_ITKVtkGlue = On
- In case of “generic error: no override found for …”, add the following to your code:
#define vtkRenderingCore_AUTOINIT 4(vtkInteractionStyle,vtkRenderingFreeType,vtkRenderingFreeTypeOpenGL,vtkRenderingOpenGL) #define vtkRenderingVolume_AUTOINIT 1(vtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL)
- Hint: do not forget to use itk::ImageRescaleIntensityFilter and itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter
Exercise (4b)
- How can we determine the diameter of the main vessel in the visualization?
- Describe your own ideas for that use case.
- Discuss pros and cons of other possible solutions like:
- Determine the diameter manually by counting voxels.
- Run a itk::BinaryThinningImageFilter filter on the data
- etc.
← Exercise 3 | ● | Exercise 5 →