
Exercise 8

Exercise 7 | | Exercise 9

MPR with OpenGL

This exercise is based on the previous one.

Exercise (8a)

  • Load example DICOM data from “dicom-data/MR-Kiwi/*” or “dicom-data/MR-Artichoke/*”
  • Upload the dicom volume to a 3D texture with glTexImage3D()
  • Render a MPR with three axis-aligned slices through the volume.
    • Note: Vertex coordinates x,y,z in the range [−0.5,0.5] need to map to texture coordinates s,t,r in the range [0,1].

Home work (8b)

  • Animate the position of the slices (either by automatic shifting or by mouse interaction).

Optional home work (8c)

  • Render an arbitrarily aligned slice? How would you approach that?
    • A naive approach would be to render a slice that is larger than the entire unit cube and use 6 clip planes to cut off the overshoot.
      • What is the drawback? What is the advantage?
    • Can you think of better ways?

Exercise 7 | | Exercise 9
