Emission and Absorption
Optical Model of a self-emitting gas with simultaneous emission and absorption:
Linear transfer functions $TF_A=\mu_A s$ resp. $TF_E=\mu_E s$.
Realization of numerical integration with OpenGL: Numerical integration by view-aligned slicing with slice distance $\Delta t$ with Over-Operator and constant vertex opacity $1 - e^{-\mu_A \Delta t}$, constant vertex color $(\mu_E \Delta t,\mu_E \Delta t,\mu_E \Delta t)$ and modulation of vertex color with 3D-texture lookup of $s(t)$.
Ambient background emission needs to be enabled.
Non-linear transfer function $TF_E=\kappa(s(t))$ allows masking and coloring of specific materials (using a TF Editor):
- Self Emission of objects adds to background emission → better contrast.
- Objects can occlude each other partially or completely depending on their opacity.
- → very good depth perception.
- non-commutative
- View-aligned slices need to be rendered in back to front order!
Vertex color:
3D texture modulation:
Over-operator with OpenGL-blending: