OpenGL Model-View Transformations
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Each of the above model and view transformations can be represented as multiplication of the vertices $\vec{v}$ with a 4×4 Matrix $M$ in homogeneous coordinates:
The modeling transformation corresponds to a 4×4 matrix $M_M$ (which is an affine transformation).
The view transformation corresponds to a 4×4 matrix $M_V$ (which is the inverse of the camera modeling transformation).
Then the consecutive application of the above transformations yields the combined model-view matrix $M_{MV}$ with:
As final step the perspective transformation projects the vertices onto the image plane. This corresponds to a division by the z-component in camera coordinates.
The perspective transformation corresponds to a 4×4 matrix $M_P$ (which is a non-linear matrix). Together with the model-view transformations this yields the combined model-view-projection matrix $M_{MVP}$ with:
So the graphics pipeline effectively performs the following computation for each incoming vertex:
This takes about 30 flops per vertex.