Texturen Laden
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Laden einer 2D Textur aus einer Datei:
GLuint tex_id;
const char filename[] = "filename.ext";
int iwidth, iheight;
tex_id = lglLoadQtTexture(filename, &iwidth, &iheight, false);
assert(tex_id != 0);
std::stderr << "successfully loaded texture " << filename
<< " with size " << iwidth << "x" << iheight
<< std::endl;
const char filename[] = "filename.ext";
int iwidth, iheight;
tex_id = lglLoadQtTexture(filename, &iwidth, &iheight, false);
assert(tex_id != 0);
std::stderr << "successfully loaded texture " << filename
<< " with size " << iwidth << "x" << iheight
<< std::endl;
Unterstützte Formate via Qt: JPEG und PNG