Soft Shadows
← Perspective Shadow Maps | ● | Deferred Shading →
The “Soft Shadows” graphics algorithm by Wolfgang Heidrich et. al. compared with the standard approach of Shadow Maps:

Other Algorithms:
- PCSS (Percentage Close Shadow Maps)
- CSM (Convolution Shadow Maps)
- VSM (Variance Shadow Maps)
- ESM (Exponential Shadow Maps)
- SAVSM (Summed Area Variance Shadow Maps)
- Discretization artifacts (insufficient shadow map resolution)
- Performance limited by fragment shader (num raster pipes)
- Light Bleeding (through geometry that is adjacent)
- Soft shadows for linear lights at EGSR 2000
- PCSS at GDC05
- Soft shadow comparison at GDC08
- GPU Gems 2 Chapter 17: Efficient Soft-Edged Shadows Using Pixel Shader Branching
Live-Demo: Soft Shadow Mapping (T#A10b)
← Perspective Shadow Maps | ● | Deferred Shading →