
glVertex Framework

Getting the Package

The glVertex framework is used for the CG exercises.
As a development platform Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is recommended!

The actual framework can be downloaded from here:

This framework has been tested with the following platforms:

  • Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, 24.04
  • openSUSE Leap 15
  • Debian, Linux Mint
  • MacOS X, 11 - 15
  • Windows 10 - 11

Installation on Linux

On Linux resp. Ubuntu the installation is as follows on the terminal:

  • unzip glvertex*.zip
  • cd glvertex*/
  • ./

This unzips and runs the installer and automagically downloads and installs the glvertex framework plus the QtCreator IDE including all required tools like the C++ compiler, build systems, libraries etc. pp.

To check whether or not the entire installation finished successfully, please type the following one-liner on the command line:

url="" && \
svn export --force $url >/dev/null && ./ && echo -e "\nSUCCESS"

If it outputs “SUCCESS”, everything is fine.

Installation on Mac

Same as above except that a working installation of XCode and its command line tools is required as prerequisite. As a workaround it is recommended to install Ubuntu in a virtual machine on your Mac.

The installer downloads the C++ compiler including all required libraries with the following caveats:

  • you need to install homebrew beforehand manually
  • you need to install subversion via homebrew beforehand manually:
  • brew install subversion
  • then run the automatic installer script
  • the automatic installation may take up to two hours to finish
  • you have to download QtCreator manually
  • you may have to select a proper development kit manually in QtCreator
  • you may have to install bash manually

Installation on Windows

For Windows the framework and all the required tools need to be installed manually. As a workaround it is recommended to install Ubuntu in a virtual machine on your Windows computer.

The installation on Windows comes with the following caveats:

  • you have to read the installation instructions by yourself
  • you have to install the MinGW compiler manually
  • you have to install TortoiseSVN manually
  • you have to install Qt manually
  • you have to install QtCreator manually
  • you have to run the installer.bat script
  • you may completely screw up your system, if you take a wrong turn


The above framework implements and extends the OpenGL 1.2 specification. After successful installation the class documentation is avaiable in the docs/html folder. You can open the “index.html” file in the folder with a browser like Firefox and browse the API via the documentation of the file “glvertex_api.h”.

The complete documentation is available here:

A brief documentation is also available as a cheat sheet:

The official documentation for OpenGL is the so called Red Book or the “OpenGL Programming Guide”. The Programming Guide can be downloaded from here:
